Кристофер Абани: цитаты

He said to me, "It will always be difficult, but if you cry like this every time, you will die of heartbreak. Just know it is enough sometimes to know it is difficult."

Я пришел узнать, что мир никогда не сохраняет великие мессианские жесты, но и простые нежные, мягкие, почти невидимые акты сострадания, повседневные акты сострадания. В Южной Африке есть слово убунту.

What I've come to learn is that the world is never saved in grand messianic gestures, but in the simple accumulation of gentle, soft, almost invisible acts of compassion, everyday acts of compassion. In South Africa they have a phrase called ubuntu. Ubuntu comes out of a philosophy that says, the only way for me to be human is for you to reflect my humanity back at me.

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