Actually, I jade very quickly. Once is usually enough. Either once only, or every day. If you do something once it’s exciting, and if you do it every day it’s exciting. But if you do it, say, twice or just almost every day, it’s not good any more.
Think before you speak is criticism's motto; speak before you think is creation's.
Think before you speak. Read before you think. This will give you something to think about that you didn't make up yourself — a wise move at any age, but most especially at seventeen, when you are in the greatest danger of coming to annoying conclusions.
Never express yourself more clearly than you are able to think.
?Do you think before speaking or do you speak after thinking?
If you are facing a new challenge or being asked to do something that you have never done before don’t be afraid to step out. You have more capability than you think you do but you will never see it unless you place a demand on yourself for more.
You are what you love. No? You are, completely and only, what you would die for without, as you say, the thinking twice.
Students, when you want to say something, think about it three times before you say it. Speak only if your words will benefit yourselves and others. Do not speak if it brings no benefit.
It was one of those parties where you cough twice before you speak and then decide not to say it after all.
Think twice before you speak to a friend in need