Джеймс Лавлок: цитаты

Neither Lynn Margulis nor I have ever proposed a teleological hypothesis. Nowhere in our writing do we express the idea that planetary self-regulation is purposeful, or involves planetary foresight or planning by the biota. …Yet we met persistent, almost dogmatic, criticism that our hypothesis is teleological.

Большинство людей скорее претерпели бы неудобства, чем пустились бы в путешествие в пятницу, которая еще была бы и 13-м днем месяца.

Life has to be a planetary phenomenon. You could no more have a partially occupied planet than you could half a cat or half a dog.

Curiously, aerosol pollution of the northern hemisphere reduces global warming by reflecting sunlight back to space. This "global dimming" is transient and could disappear in a few days like the smoke that it is, leaving us fully exposed to the heat of the global greenhouse. We are in a fool's climate, accidentally kept cool by smoke, and before this century is over billions of us will die and the few breeding pairs of people that survive will be in the Arctic where the climate remains tolerable.

The climate and the chemical properties of the Earth now and throughout its history seem always to have been optimal for life. For this to have happened by chance is as unlikely as to survive unscathed a drive blindfold through rush hour traffic.

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