Карл Панцрам: цитаты

I hope they all go out like Kilkenny cats…

Я ненадолго присел, чтобы поразмыслить. Пока я сидел, ко мне подбежал ребенок лет одиннадцати-двенадцати. Он что-то искал. Я помог ему найти. Затем отвел его на свалку и оставил там. Но сначала я его трахнул, а потом убил. Когда я уходил, у него мозги текли через уши. Он был совершенно дохлый — мертвее не бывает…(бедный ребенок )…

У меня нет желания каким-либо образом изменять себя. Мое единственное желание — изменить людей, которые пытаются изменить меня, а единственный способ изменять людей, по моему убеждению, — это убивать их. Мой девиз: «Грабь, насилуй и убивай!»

hurry up and bring on your electric chair I want to leave here and take a nose-dive into the next world just to see if that one is as lousy as is this ball of mud and meanness. I am sorry for only two things. These two things are I am sorry that I have mistreated some few animals in my life-time and I am sorry that I am unable to murder the whole damed human race.

[Палачу на виселице]: Шевелись, ублюдок! За то время, пока ты возишься, я успел бы повесить дюжину человек!

За свою жизнь я убил 21 человека, я совершил тысячи краж, грабежей, воровства, поджогов и, наконец, что не менее важно, я совершил содомию более чем с 1000-ю мужчин. За все это я ни капли не сожалею.

These two experiences taught me several lessons. Lesson that I have never forgotten. I did not want to learn these lessons but I found out that it isn’t what one wants in this world that one gets. Force and might makes right. Perhaps things shouldn’t be that way but thats the way they are. I learned to look with suspicion and hatred on everybody. As the years went on that idea persisted in my mind above all others. I figured that if I was strong enough and clever enough to impose my will on others, I was right. I still believe that to this day. Another lesson I learned at that time was that there were a lot of very nice things in this world. Among them were Whisky and Sodomy. But it depended on who and how they were used. I have used plenty of both since then but I have recieved more pleasure of them since; than I did those first times. Those were the days when I was learning the lessons that life teaches us all and they made me what I am today.

I have no desire whatever to reform myself. My only desire is to reform other people who try to reform me. and I believe that the only way to reform people is to kill em. My motto is, Rob em all, Rape em all and Kill em all. I am very truly yours signed Cooper John II Carl Panzram

Я ненавижу весь проклятый человеческий род, включая себя самого.

Я убью первого, кто посмеет досаждать мне.

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