Артур Рубинштейн: цитаты

Музыка для меня — не хобби и даже не страсть. Музыка — это я сам.

Of course there is no formula for success except perhaps an unconditional acceptance of life and what it brings.

God bless him. He will be remembered forever.

Я самый счастливый человек из всех, кого мне приходилось когда-либо встречать.

Rubinstein was wonderful. For three days he spent hours playing the piano in my room, and then asking me what I thought of this and that. After a while he told my mother that I had talent and he thought I should be a musician.

Music is not a hobby, not even a passion with me; music is me. I feel what people get out of me is this outlook on life, which comes out in my music. My music is the last expression of all that.

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