Andrea Dworkin цитата: [[I]t's] one thing to talk about the redistribution of wealth. …

Scott wants us each to talk about "the kind of society we'd like to live in." … From the start I am very nervous. Phil goes on about "the redistribution of wealth"; nearly everyone comes out for "socialism" of one kind or another; Brick even hints at "another revolution." When it is my time to speak I am moved to say, "I think people's tolerance is the main issue, even more than socialism. I mean, look at the people who are for the war. Look at the courthouse square."

Socialism takes and redistributes wealth, but it is utterly incapable of creating wealth.

I was just reading some poetry, and it talked about how things start as one thing and change into another, and I just thought, what a great concept for a song.

Let me tell you what I just heard. Talk, talk, talk, I. Talk, talk, talk, I. Well, what about me?

I don't want to talk about things I haven't seen, so if they want me to talk about those things, I've got to go there and see for myself.

Necessity resides in the way we talk about things, not in the things we talk about.

Why throw money at problems? That's what money is for.
Should the nation's wealth be redistributed? It has been and continues to be redistributed to a few people in a manner strikingly unhelpful.

Atticus had said it was the polite thing to talk to people about what they were interested in, not about what you were interested in.

There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.

Conservatives are concerned about the production of wealth. Liberals are concerned about the redistribution of it.

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