Александр Михайлович Овечкин: цитаты

He's a great player. Everybody knows that. He's a very dangerous player, but if you limit his speed and time to make plays it's tough for anybody. It wasn't just me, it was the whole team playing well defensively against that line.

Это был плей-офф для моей страны…

You can have the best skill in the world, but he has lots of will and that’s why he’s great. You look at the great young players around the league, including our players that we have here, and it’s their will. That’s what separates great players from medium players.

Пиво везде одинаковое. После трех стаканов уже не понимаешь, хорошее оно или нет.

Отдохнем потом, сейчас к ребятам. Мы так давно не тренировались, хочу на лёд…

Зачем нам от канадцев шифроваться? Они же не шифруются.

He's obviously a dynamic player that you have to pay attention to when he's out there.

All friends and relatives supported me. I do not know what to say. This is the victory for all Russians, for the whole country. We won the gold medal we were dreaming about. We deserved it.

Я приеду туда даже полумёртвым… за сборную на Олимпиаде выступим.

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